Review article
Physics and astronomy
Cosmology and gravity in the new era of multi-messenger astronomy
Coshare Science 01, 02 | Published 31 August 2023 |
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E.N. Saridakis, Cosmology and gravity in the new era of multi-messenger astronomy, Coshare Science 01, 02 (2023).

We review the standard model of cosmology and gravity, namely LambdaCDM paradigm and general relativity. We mention their successes and we describe possible tensions that appear between theoretical predictions and observations, that may ask for modifications of the standard lore. Finally, we describe how gravitational wave observations and multi-messenger astronomy provides a new tool to investigate the universe.

general relativity
modified gravity
dark energy
dark matter
black holes
gravitational waves
multi-messenger astronomy
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The author declares no competing interests.

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